More Than 30 Households Benefit From Roads Project in Innisfil

A large number of residents are enjoying smoother streets and sidewalks in the community of Cookstown in the Municipality of Innisfil.

Cookstown is a small neighbourhood in the municipality that’s home to about 2,300 people. In 2021, Innisfil dedicated Canada Community-Building Fund investments to upgrading three streets in the community.

Selby Street, Evelyn Street and Empress Lane, totalling 570 metres of roadway, were upgraded from gravel streets, to smooth asphalt streets with full sidewalks and curbs.

The project impacted more than 30 residential properties, but further to that, has benefitted the community by offering AODA compliant sidewalks, smoother transitions to cross the street, and upgraded curbs.

The new sidewalks connect streets that didn’t have walkways before the project, allowing for more pedestrian access and improved walking routes.

Prior to obtaining CCBF funding, this project was identified as high priority in the Municipality’s Roads Needs Study. Thanks to the CCBF, Cookstown’s street rehabilitation project is complete and aesthetically enhances the neighbourhood.

Selby Street, Evelyn Street and Empress Lane, totalling 570 metres of roadway, were upgraded from gravel streets, to smooth asphalt streets with full sidewalks and curbs.


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