Updates & Profiles

• Project Profiles

The City of Brantford has completed a multi-year project to upgrade streetlights using a $330,000 investment from the CCBF. 

This major energy efficiency project spanned from 2021-2024...

• Project Profiles

The Township of Huron-Kinloss has rehabilitated two bridges with the help of a $625,000 investment from the CCBF. 

Both bridges were built in the 1960s and had not received any...

• Project Profiles

Communities across the province – whether large or small – are dealing with housing and affordability issues. 

Seguin is a small but fast-growing municipality in northern Ontario. The...

• Asset Management

Asset management is not just a legislative requirement – its essential for making systematic, evidence-based decisions that prioritize limited resources, define levels of service, and...

• Project Profiles

The Town of Moosonee has finished construction on a new playground in the town centre with a $166,000 investment from the CCBF.

The much-anticipated playground was installed in the...