Updates & Profiles

• Project Profiles

Funding from the 2019 Top-Up of the Canada Community-Building Fund helped the Municipality of Temagami replace and upgrade pumps in the backwash system at a water treatment facility.


• Announcements

In 2019, the federal government announced a one-time doubling of the federal Gas Tax Fund.
Communities across Canada received $4.4 billion from the federal Gas Tax Fund in 2019 – an...

• Announcements

Each year, municipalities across Ontario use federal Gas Tax funds to support priority infrastructure projects. Municipalities report how they use this funding to AMO. We compile this...

• Project Profiles

Matinenda Landing boat launch is the Town of Blind River’s only access point for people who have cottages on Lake Matinenda.

A breakwall – critical to protect the boat launch’s...

• Announcements

Toronto, Ontario, August 19, 2020 – The Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) has recognized Niagara Region for investing federal Gas Tax funding in an innovative sewer...