Protected Bike Lanes a First for Burlington

Cyclists are safer in Burlington with the addition of new cyclist-friendly infrastructure. The Plains Road project, funded in part by the CCBF, features protected cyclist intersections and new dedicated bike lanes that were added as part of a larger roads infrastructure project. 

The new bike intersections, installed in Burlington’s Aldershot community, are designed to increase physical separation from motor vehicles, improve sightlines, reduce the likelihood of high-speed vehicle turns, and significantly reduce the distance and time during which cyclists are at higher risks of encountering a vehicle.

These cyclist-friendly additions are something residents have been asking for. They make using active transportation easier, safer, and more comfortable for cyclists of all ages to travel around the community. Infrastructure that supports any type of active transportation adds to community vitality and connectivity, and this project was supported by Burlington’s integrated mobility plan. 

This project also included construction of a rain garden, resurfacing the road and curb, replacement of sidewalks, driveway and landscape improvements, new transit stops, hydro pole relocations and streetlight upgrades.

The new rain garden is located at the intersection of Howard Road and Plains Road West, and features 18 new trees and a variety of different grass species and flowers. The rain garden improves and enhances storm water conveyance and quality before discharging into Burlington’s freshwater systems. It also serves as a cooling and retention system, lowering the temperature and reducing the volume of storm water entering the storm sewer systems and creeks. 

New cyclist-friendly intersections are making Burlington a safer place for active transportation. A new rainwater garden is helping Burlington be more climate-conscious.


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