Updates & Profiles

• Project Profiles

The Township of Norwich invested CCBF funds in the repair and rehabilitation of an important bridge.

Bridge 37 on Middletown Line in Norwich was built in 1966 and allows traffic to...

• Project Profiles

The City of Richmond Hill’s new Oak Ridges Library got off to a flying start when 13,000 people visited the facility in the first month after it opened.
That’s more than double the...

• Project Profiles

The City of Mississauga invested CCBF funds in a range of active transportation options that make it easier to maintain social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The City...

• Project Profiles

The City of Quinte West invested CCBF funds in an extension of its popular Waterfront Trail.

Linking the existing Riverfront Trail along the Trent River to the existing Millennium...

• Project Profiles

The Village of Sparta in Elgin County is one of Canada’s oldest Quaker settlements – dating back to 1813.
The main roads in this history-rich tourist destination were in need of...